
Another fantastic meet for Vista Ridge High School Robotics!

What was the most exciting thing about this meet?

“I think the most exciting moment in this meet was our first match allianced with team 20716 Beau Bots. We had a really good match with them last time and ended up doing really well again. We finally were able to overcome some hardware issues with the bot and play a match to our fullest, so it was really exciting being able to see it take place!”

Krish Patel-Shah, Chaotic Current 21438

Rogue Resistance #9527

Rogue Resistance won Qualification matches 5, 24, and 37.

Chaotic Current 21438 won Qualification matches 8, 20, and 27.

Victorian Voltage

Victorian Voltage 7797 won ALL of their Qualification matches: 9, 17, 23, 30, and 39!

Static Void

Static Void 6990 won Qualification rounds 34 and 41.