VRHS Robotics Boosters include teachers, team members’ families, local community members, and global friends with careers in STEM who are dedicated to developing the next generation of STEM leaders.


Your donations are used for robotics supplies, software, events, travel, team building activities and so much more. We appreciate your financial support!


Provide a Corporate Sponsorship

Sign up for Boosters and Volunteer

Parents and guardians of students on a VRHS Robotics team are automatically part of the Boosters. We encourage anyone with an interest in supporting the VRHS Robotics program to get involved. Experience and technical skills are NOT required. There are numerous ways that YOU can make a difference! Keep reading for details.

Signup / Volunteer

You can make a difference!

From providing ongoing technical mentoring to providing an occasional hour or two to transport students to events, volunteers enable VRHS Robotics’ success as a world-class, competitive organization. Please note: A simple LISD background check is required for the safety of our students.

Software Mentoring

Our teams develop their robots’ software in Java. Software development mentors help students find answers to their questions and coach students on industry-recognized best practices and processes for software engineering.

Hardware Mentoring

Students use OnShape and Fusion 360 to design and build their robots. Hardware mentors work with students to resolve CAD, CNC, 3D Print issues, challenge students to think through their choices, and coach students on CAD approaches used in industry.

Marketing Mentoring

Victorian Voltage, first formed in 2013, won UIL in 2018 and 2019. They have a mission of “spreading STEM throughout the community and inspiring younger students.”


Robotics Boosters maintain the Booster web site and social media sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.


Parents and Guardians provide transportation of robots, equipment, and students to competition events.


The Robotics Booster Treasurer and team create the annual budget and ensure finances are kept in order throughout the year.


Fundraising team members reach out to corporate sponsors, community members, and friends family to ensure teams have the financial support to build robots and compete.

After Hours Mentors

After hours mentors provide a safe and productive lag environment. They monitor the robotics lab facilities, help with equipment, and support students as they engage in robotics activities.


Volunteers provide guidance and assistance related to welding, building, and physically fabricating robots. They teach students how to use tools safely and answer fabrication questions.

Event Organizing

Students use OnShape and Fusion 360 to design and build their robots. Hardware mentors work with students to resolve CAD, CNC, 3D Print issues, challenge students to think through their choices, and coach students on CAD approaches used in industry.

Snacks and Meals

Snack and meal organizers purchase snacks and handle meal tickets for competition events. They also coordinate weekly snacks and meals for late nights when the teams are preparing for competitions.

Mentor Program

Volunteers manage the mentoring program, including assessing mentors, scheduling mentoring activities, and moderating mentoring events as needed.